Selling Diamonds: High Value Shipping Options

Selling Diamonds: High Value Shipping Options

If you deficiency to tout your diamonds or jewelry, but there is no where local to do it, what are your options? How can you be sure about logical shipping your expensive jewelry off to someone? This something tells you haw you can and what steps you can manage to make sure they are legitimate.

Selling Diamonds: High Value Shipping Options

Selling Diamonds: High Value Shipping Options

Are you considering selling a diamond to a diamond broker located far from home? Selling diamonds often requires shipping your precious gemstones to out-of-town brokers for investigation before the agreement can be sealed After all, most dealers scarcity to verify the value of diamonds before they’ll make an quote and that’s body that can’t be evaluated without a physical test However, it’s understandable that you’d be chary about plopping your diamond globe into an envelope and shipping it off. Fortunately, you do hold some lofty value shipping options at your disposal. When it comes to selling diamonds, your calm of character must be ensured from the moment your container leaves your door until the closing cost arrives in your bank account Below are a few lofty value shipping options to consider FedEx’s Declared Value Exception ProgramFedEx normally limits the normal maximum published value of items to reasonable $1,000 which isn’t normally considered sufficient when selling diamonds However, rules often retain exceptions, and this is true of FedEx Its Declared Value Exception program allows shippers to demonstrate up to $50,000 on specialty items including diamonds In order to use this service, you must meet specific eligibility requirements such as having an active FedEx balance and an current relationship with FedEx The troupe furthermore considers your chronicle including losses, claims, and revenue In addition, special packaging is requisite for lofty value shipments. FedEx offers innocuous boxes and protection boxes for these shipments Be aware that only a handful of FedEx locations (New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Long Beach, and Atlanta) serve as drop-off locations for the Declared Value Exception program at the higher second of the spectrum Specialized High Value / High Security Shipping ServicesMany shippers specialize in transporting lofty value items Though some of these services cater to businesses, some name attain transport of big value items for consumers. Many of these services propose armored protection services to businesses, but some name maid shipping options to consumers Considerations when selecting a lanky value, colossal preventive shipping service include:

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Insurance options

Security procedures

Tracking options

Finding the repair tall surety shipping group for a single high value object can be challenging however. Ask relatives you trust such as your jeweler, banker, or wealthy friends for recommendations Using the Diamond Buyer’s Preferred Shipping OptionsMany diamond buyers are aware of your concerns about shipping and selling diamonds, yet they absence a manner of grading the value of diamonds before they can make an name Recognizing this catch-22, many diamond buyers adduce procure lofty value shipping options For example, DiamondBuyerscom offers a 100 percent secure, insured shipping guide Not only can you desist buoyant that your diamonds bequeath arrive safely or be covered by insurance if they don’t you furthermore obtain added quiet of temperament due to the video-recorded check-in procedures. While more shippers can get your diamonds to the facility, once the package leaves their hands, it’s no longer their problem Choose a diamond buyer that takes preventive seriously and has processes in niche to completely ticket your diamonds while they are in-transit and at their check facilities .